Minutemen are Fisherman’s Eggs

Minutemen were to hardcore what The Talking Heads were to punk. D Boon, Mike Watt and George Hurley, the three "corndogs" from San Pedro that drove the Minutemen style of Econo punk rock, understood that being punk meant breaking down all the establishment borders. SST records helped them get their first recordings out to the people, and also helped them create their own label, New Alliance. Mike Watt and company are the focus of this weeks food/ music pairing! Sitting in as co-pilot is Jeanette Dainty, an old friend who almost named her first born after the iconic bass player. We will dig deep into their history, the inseparable friendship of the band's nucleus, Mike Watt and D Boon, the impact they had on punk and hardcore music, and why they are still on everyone's minds. Don't forget to rate the show on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.


Let's hear it for our sponsor Izzy's Coffee! Cook on a rock out. 


#minutemen #mikewatt #georgehurley #dboon #sst #tarbabies #jackass #mikewattandthemissingmen #mikewattandthesecondmen #hardcore #punkrock #sanpedro #underground #heytaxi!! #uncletupelo #newallience #stooges #BOC #CCR @wattfrompedro #foodandmusic #sardinesandeggs #fishermanseggs 


David Bowie is a Shrimp and Red Pepper Bisque


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